Empowering books for healing.

Reading was the lost art that I rediscovered in the midst of loneliness….

It was April of 2017 when I moved into my new apartment post breakup. I was so disappointed in the way my life was turning out. This felt like a fresh start until I got into a fight with my roommate. Seriously, it was like an atomic bomb dropped into my life on top of all the other turmoil.

My liberation soon turned into loneliness. Out of fear and hurt, I secluded myself within the four walls of my room. I didn’t have a television and of course my computer recently crashed so I spent most of my nights staring at the walls and reading.

Through this time, I became a self-proclaimed self-help junkie and quickly learned there is hope. Depending on what you are feeling at the moment, here are the books I recommend for you.

For those who want to give up hope… “The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho

Be at ease. Your destiny is already written. I am always quoting “The Alchemist” in EVERYTHING. On the road to your purpose, you will have bumps and bad days, but this book reminds us that our destiny is already written. When you follow the signs and have faith in your God, anything is possible. If you only believe. 

For those who are learning to love themselves…. “Real Love” by Suzanne Salzberg

You are beautiful. You are a living breathing work of art. The most important relationship you will nurture is the one you have with yourself. Real love is my bible for self love. Through the suggested reflections and meditative processes, I have grown to love myself so much. I love myself enough to believe in myself, go for opportunities, and let go of things that no longer serve me purpose. I believe you can love yourself this deeply too.  

For those who are rediscovering themselves…”Homegoing” by Yaa Gyasi

You are a ripple in a vast ocean. Each movement you make will positively or negatively affect the world. Are you moving in pain or purpose? I choose to move in purpose.

To begin healing, you must start at the root. Homegoing is the beautiful tale of two sisters separated at a young age. One sister is forced into the slave trade. The other sister is married off to a white slave trader posted in Africa. Gyasi takes us through each generation. We understand their pain, their healing, their love, and even their heartbreak.  Everything happens for a reason and everything you do affects the generations thereafter. Through their stories, we rediscover our roots and together we heal.

For now, this is all I have. These books allowed me to spread my wings and fly. I have never felt freer in my life. I hope that after reading they off you some relief and freedom.

Have you read any of these books? I would love to hear some books that have your life? Comment below and please share!

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